EuCF The European Coaching Federation  
A european framework for quality in coaching and training       
Accredited Training Institutes

It is impossible to list the approximately 4.000 - 15.000 training centers in Europe, that give good training.
Our route is to trust the local knowledge and the collective experience and wisdom of our TSC-Mentors.

For conflicts in these matters, there is a special procedure. We also have a high priority to protect the profession and the possible client from narcicistic aspirations of not so well trained coaches.

We trust the quality of state regulated systems, e.g. Austria, as well as the EANLPt certified training institutes, the ÖAGG and/or the DAGG.

Additionally, as historically and methodically all methods in coaching developed from modern psychotherapy methods, primarily systemic, group dynamic, psychodrama, NLP/NLPt, TA, a full ECP or psychotherapy licence is usually much more than the requirements for a EuCF coach and will be accredited.

EuCF       EuCF - European Coaching Federation
last update: 12-02-2025        A - 1090 Vienna -- Widerhofergasse 4 -- tel. +43-1-317 67 80 -- -- ZVR-Zahl: 297430493