EuCF The European Coaching Federation  
A european framework for quality in coaching and training       
Training Standards and flying

When it comes to flying competence, there is a quite good correlation between pilot certificates and competence.
There is a difference between a solo student pilot of a sailplane, a commercial pilot of a taxi operator and a flight instructor for an Airbus. Both in average knowledge, competence, instrument weather flying and flight time experience.

Coaching certifications bear many similarities. That is why EuCF has a wide spread of certification levels. In the interest of clients and a good name for the profession. Differentiation does make sense. So clients have the safety that he/she will not be fooled easily by well sounding surface certificates without equivalent deep structure.

One central european country, Austria, has had 18 years of experience with coaching legislation, so the black certification is modelled on that law. After all, a pilots licence - like a coaching accredittion is a licence to learn!

EuCF       EuCF - European Coaching Federation
last update: 12-02-2025        A - 1090 Vienna -- Widerhofergasse 4 -- tel. +43-1-317 67 80 -- -- ZVR-Zahl: 297430493