EuCF The European Coaching Federation  
A european framework for quality in coaching and training       
Training Levels for Accredited Members


In the 35 countries of Europe Coaching, Counselling, Consulting, Training are very often used synonymously for each other.
There is no right or correct translation, as cultures have developed differently.
The same goes for Coaching, Therapy, individual work, Supervision and Self Experience.

Eg in the US, a supervisor usually is a boss, while in most European countries, a supervisor is an experienced colleguage, with whom it is possible to work on practical coaching issues and their resonance in the person.
In some countries, personal work fur cultural reasons and tradation reasons may be named supervision.

As EUCF is not in favour of language imperialism, we respect local European traditions and trust the experience of our country specialists to understand the meaning of the words.

Language and graduation requirements:
  • you can work fluently in at least two languages, spoken in Europe and have
  • at least 500 words of a third language actively available
  • University degree
Legal requirements:
If you work as independent coach you have the professional licence that is required by the law of the country where you mostly work.

Accredited Training Levels
Yellow - Basic Coaching Skills:
first level training of at least 18 days in an accredited training institution.

Orange - Practitioner Coach:
second level training of at least 35 days in an accredited training institution.

Green - Master Practitioner Coach:
third level training of at least 80 days in an accredited training institution plus at least 30 hours of individual selfexperience/coaching or supervision.

Blue - Professional Coach:
fourth level training of at least 100 days, including 80 hours of crisisintervention plus at least50 hours of individual selfexperience/coaching or supervision and at least 300 hours of practical coaching/counselling.

Black - Senior Coach:
Fully accredited Professional Coach with at least 3 years of practise in Coaching and psychological/behavioral training.
If your training is ok regarding hours, content and qualification of trainers, but the center has not-yet been EuCF accredited, grandparenting rules are in place till November, 31st 2013!
EuCF       EuCF - European Coaching Federation
last update: 12-02-2025        A - 1090 Vienna -- Widerhofergasse 4 -- tel. +43-1-317 67 80 -- -- ZVR-Zahl: 297430493